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Do do signings of your book? and if so, where and when?
We are doing a number of book signings and events across the country. Signup for our email newsletter to be alerted of the schedule.The first one is today, June 15, in St. Louis. We’ll also be in Nashville, Chicago, Atlanta, Charleston, Austin, and Boston.
How much is book in store
The book is $25. Here’s a link to order online: https://www.shop17bbq.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Book-2 You can also order for less on amazon.com.
This is my third attempt to order the new book Praise the Lard autographed. I was told it would be on the site last month. The email befor this we got no reply. Please let us know when we can get it ordered. Thank you.
We are having issues with the link online. You can try this one: https://www.shop17bbq.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Book-2 or you cancel our office to order. 619-684-8902. I apologize for the delay. I’m not getting comment alerts. You can always call our office or use the contact link on the site.
Hi- is it possible to order a quart of gravy, $17?
if so, I would like to order, I did not see it available to purchase- I logged in having seen email I received this am.
Hello, Chan~
Are you in Southern Illinois? You can order and pick up at either restaurant. It’s not available via mail order.
Appreciate your interest!