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Dream Team: Sam Jones, Mike Mills, Amy Mills, Mitchell Davis, Brad Orrison, Wayne Mueller, John Delpha, Aric Nissen, and Barry Sorkin. Not pictured: Kat Kinsman. The BBQ MBA is part…

Please Join Us to Support Operation BBQ Relief

A pallet of Magic Dust, spices, and seasonings donated by 17th Street and Townsend Spice & Supply. Nothing says “love” like a home-cooked meal and barbecue is as comforting to…

Memphis in May: Lessons Learned From Rocky

So we’ve spent some time licking our wounds, watching Rocky III, and eating humble pie in the Apple City Barbecue headquarters. Have you seen Rocky III recently? You know, the…

When a Pitmaster Goes on Vacation…

I love that when our pitmaster, Phillip Heern, goes on vacation, he takes his family to Ocean Springs for the week and hangs out with our friends at The Shed….

Reading this week

This week was filled with end-of-year activities, prom, and graduation. Here are some links that made me think: The Chicago Sun-Times fired its photographers. As a journalist and a friend…

Good reads

A few articles that piqued my interest last week: Truth: Freedom is for friends and friends are everything. Make the trip. Clean up your Facebook newsfeed with these easy steps….

Father's Day Blessings

Sharing a father/daughter moment at Memphis in May, 2013. “The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates…