Monthly Archives / June 2020


What to Expect When We Re-Open June 18

Vendor Safety

Every supplier certifies they’ve met our specific health and safety standards. We’re very careful about what comes into our kitchen and into our buildings.

Pit Crew Wellness Checks

We take crew member’s temperatures at the beginning of each work day. Each crew member also completes a wellness checklist before they begin their shift. Our entire team has taken a COVID test prior to our re-opening. Each crew member added also must be tested prior to beginning work. If a crew member feels at all unwell, we request they stay home.

Required PPE

Our crew is required to wear the face masks and gloves we supply. In the interest of safety, ANYONE entering our space must also be wearing a mask.

Warsh Those Hands!

We wash our hands thoroughly, in acordance with FDA and CDC guidelines, every 30 minutes, changing gloves when we do so.

Highest Sanitation Standards

We disinfect all high-touch surfaces at least once an hour, using an EPA-registered disinfectant. This includes door handles, seating, light switches, bathrooms, kitchen equipment, handheld devices, and more. Crew members are not allowed to have cell phones in the building, so no spreading germs from those devices.

Social Distancing

Our outdoor seating is arranged with social distancing in mind.

Food Safety Protocols

We’ve designed our new menu so that our kitchen stations have minimal interaction. All shared equipment is sanitized between uses. All food is delivered in high-quality, compostable disposable containers.

No-Contact Drive-thru, Curbside Service, and Delivery

We seal our packaging and delivery bags to ensure safety after it leaves our kitchen. We wear gloves and a mask when handling your box or bag. Our handheld devices ensure we don’t have to touch your credit card. Ordering and paying online provides added peace of mind.


We’re here to answer any additional questions. Please call our office between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 618-684-8902 or email us.