I’ve been writing about the Mike Mills quips, lessons, and adages as I’ve been working on our new book. Here’s a sneak peek:
“I’m listening more carefully and trying to make sure my own children are absorbing the lessons he taught me: People are people. There’s no one better than you, and you are no better than anyone else. Be careful how you act, someone is always watching. No matter how well you do, you still have to play in the same sandbox with all of the same people. You can’t soar with the eagles if you’re out hootin’ with the owls all night. It’s easier to change the flavor of a hick’ry nut than to change the flavor of bologna. And life is most definitely too short for a half-rack. That, you can interpret any way you want.”
Happy Father’s Day to all of the incredible men whom I’m blessed to call my friends. Love you, Daddy!
Photo © Ken Goodman Photography
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